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Federation of Agriculture Asking the Federal Government for Help

President of the OFA Keith Currie explains why farmers need an emergency contingency fund, why we need migrant workers and it's not as simple as hiring people who were recently laid off and the difficult decision farmers are having to make right now.

CANADA / OXFORD COUNTY - The Canadian Federation of Agriculture wants Ottawa to establish an emergency contingency fund to help farmers deal with increased costs related to COVID-19.

President Mary Robinson says agriculture should be second only to health in government priorities. She insists that producers need government support to ensure a stable food supply in Canada.

Canadians could see a decrease in variety and higher prices, according to Robinson,  if producers don't get help now.  Adding that farmers are facing labor shortages, and volatile markets.

Some producers are said to be considering not planting crops at all because of higher costs as well as a shortage of workers needed in some sectors.

Robinson is urging Canadians to contact their local MP to tell them to support farmers for stable food production during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Heart FM recently spoke with Keith Currie, the President of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture to get more information about the struggles our farmers are dealing with right now. In the interview, Currie talks about the following:

- Why the Federation of Agriculture is requesting this emergency contingency and the importance of migrant workers in the agriculture industry.

- Currie explains why we need migrant workers and why we can't just fill the workforce with people who have recently been laid off.

- Some of the difficult decisions farmers are having to make right now, should we plant crops this year or not. 

- How this might affect the food supply in Canada. 

- Why it is so crucial to purchase Canadian made food right now and to buy locally grown produce.

You can listen to the full interview with Currie below. 

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