Wiarton Willie has passed away following a tooth abscess, so another groundhog will have to take over the live Groundhog Day prediction ceremony in the Town of South Bruce Peninsula.
SOUTH BRUCE PENINSULA - Groundhog Day just won't be the same anymore.
The Town of South Bruce Peninsula has confirmed that Wiarton Willie has passed away following a tooth abscess. He died before the 2021 Groundhog Day ceremony, which featured a video without the famous albino prognosticator.
Mayor Janice Jackson says the town is planning on hosting a live event in 2022, but a brown groundhog will have to takeover for Willie.
“We look forward to gathering together for a 'live' event in 2022. It will be great to be able to celebrate Willie’s prediction together, as a community.”
The prediction always takes place on February 2nd and the municipality will be hosting the 2022 festival events on Saturday February 5th.
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