H5 Avian Influenza was confirmed at a Woodstock area farm Sunday following tests at the Animal Health Laboratory at the University of Guelph
WOODSTOCK - A case of H5 avian influenza has been confirmed at a Woodstock area farm.
Testing was conducted Sunday at the Animal Health Laboratory at the University of Guelph after a turkey farm experienced sudden deaths of birds over several days. Both the infected farm and a neighbouring farm have been quarantined to contain the spread of the disease and The Canadian Food Inspection Agency will be performing more tests to better identify the strain and subtype of the virus. Results are expected within a few days.
The industry has been notified to adopt enhanced cleaning and disinfection measures in the meantime as a precautionary measure.
The CFIA reminds residents avian influenza does not pose a risk to food safety when poultry and it's products are properly handled and cooked, and the disease rarely affects humans that do not have consistent contact with infected birds.
All infected birds will be humanely euthanized and disposed of.
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