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Middays With Laura Mainella

10:00am - 2:00pm

  • 519-537-1047

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Big Plans in the Works for Sweaburg's New Park

More big plans are in the works for Sweaburg's new park. Tommy Williams Park, the former site of Sweaburg Public School has undergone a transformation in the past year. Committee Chair Phil Gagnon... "The community came forward and they really wanted it to be an active park with lots of activities. We have installed new playgound equipment thanks to a grant from the Trillium Foundation and we have also installed a basketball court thanks to Farm Credit Canada." "We would like to see some lights. We have an icerink that we installed in the winter and a pavillion would be a nice addition, some benches potentially." "We are responsible for raising 25% of the purchase price so that is our goal as well as paying for the pavillion and lights." And so the fundraising continues, not only for the new amenities, but to continue to pay down the community's $50,000 portion of the purchase of the property. A pork on a bun BBQ is coming up on September 14th.

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