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World's Best Weekend

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Inspiring Others

Darcy Alyea's Incredible Transformation

Goodlife Fitness is using a local man in their Change Your Story National campaign.

WOODSTOCK - A Woodstock Man is hoping to inspire others after losing over 135 pounds in two years. 

Darcy Alyea knew he needed to do something about four months short of his 50th birthday when he weighed 350 pounds and had a hard time doing anything without getting tired. 

"It was a huge change, going along with the exercise of course was a new eating plan, so that meant planning out my meals, planning out my food, I met with a trainer at Goodlife here in Woodstock and that was the start of my journey. The first week was a struggle, it was hard to believe what I couldn't do. A pushup was impossible, any exercise was tough, it was really tough." 

Alyea says he certainly doesn't miss his old lifestyle. 

"One of the examples in January before I started, I was at a well known amusement park and I was turned away from a ride because I couldn't fit and I had to make the walk of shame back out the ride. This past January I went back to that amusement park and rode that ride." 

Alyea is currently featured as an inspiration story for Goodlife Canada. He offers this advice to anyone who was in his situation two years ago.

"Start, just go, I was always going to start Monday and it doesn't matter what day you start, you just have to start and you are going to know what that day is, go to the gym, go to Goodlife. I chose a trainer, it wasn't a matter of just going but I wanted to go there with a purpose and have the accountability of someone waiting for me." 

You can read more about Aylea story online here or follow him on Instagram here

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