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Middays With Laura Mainella

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  • 519-537-1047

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LHSF Receives $20-Million Donation

Photo Credit: LHSF Canada X page, @LHSFCanada

Archie Verspeeten passed away on November 25th and he left $20-million for the London Health Sciences Foundation.

LONDON - He left his mark on the London Health Sciences Centre.

Archie Verspeeten passed away at Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital on November 25th at the age of 92. After his passing, he donated $20-million to the London Health Sciences Foundation.

LHSF officials say the money will help transform cancer treatment because it held a personal significance for Verspeeten after he lost his wife and two of his sons to cancer. To honour his donation, the London Regional Cancer Program will be renamed The Verspeeten Family Cancer Centre.

According to his obituary, Verspeeten made sizeable donations to various medical facilities across Southwestern Ontario. He also has a wing named after him at Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital.

Verspeeten founded Verspeeten Cartage in Ingersoll in 1953 and retired in 2006.

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