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Middays With Laura Mainella

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Acchione and Schaefer Deliver Meals to Local Seniors

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Woodstock Mayor Jerry Acchione and East Zorra-Tavistock Mayor Phil Schaefer delivered meals to local seniors yesterday in honour of the March for Meals campaign.

WOODSTOCK/TAVISTOCK - It was another successful March for Meals for VON Oxford.

This annual campaign shines a light on the local Meals on Wheels program, which provides homecooked meals for seniors in Woodstock and Tavistock.

Woodstock Mayor Jerry Acchione and East Zorra-Tavistock Mayor Phil Schaefer volunteered to help deliver some of those meals to local seniors yesterday. VON Oxford says local mayors have been volunteering for the March for Meals campaign for 12 years now.

The Meals on Wheels program delivers hot meals to Woodstock seniors over the lunch hour Monday to Friday and to Tavistock seniors on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It also offered frozen dinner deliveries on a biweekly basis.

You can find more information online here.

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