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Breakfast at the Farm Postponed

Due to the outbreak of avian influenza, Breakfast at the Farm has been postponed but it will hopefully be rescheduled once the danger has passed.

EMBRO - An event aimed at showcasing the farming industry has been postponed due to the outbreak of Avian influenza.

Breakfast at the Farm is an event put together by Farm and Food Care Ontario in different regions around the province. Since the events started in 2013, 6 000 people have attended the open houses. Breakfast at the Farm events feature a free, locally produced breakfast and a tour of the farm facilities.

Oxford's Veldman family farm was going to be opening it's doors to the public in June to host a free breakfast and tour, but until the avian flu virus passes it has been decided to hold off on the event for the time being. Communications Administrator for the Oxford County Federation of Agriculture Amy Matheson says safety was always the number one concern.

Matheson adds the importance of the event cannot be understated as an ever growing disconnect between urban and farm residents increases.  "This kind of outreach event really is all about transparency and very literally opening the door to the barn to say, 'Here we are. We are a farm family. This is what we do. This is how we do it.' And just to sort of give our urban neighbours a little bit of an appreciation for why for example chickens are housed in cages or why veal calves are in group housing."

Interest in this event looked promising as approximately 900 people had already reserved their places through EventBrite.ca.

Matheson stresses that the event is not cancelled - it is simply postponed for now. "We are committed to having a Breakfast at the Farm at the Veldman family farm as soon as the risk is non-existent."

Anyone who reserved their spot at the Breakfast on the Farm through EventBrite.ca will receive an email as soon as the event is rescheduled, and at that time new people can also sign up for the free breakfast and tour.

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