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Cheese Award

Bright Cheese and Butters take first with their new recipe for asiago

BRIGHT - The competition circuit has been good to Bright Cheese and Butter.

The 140 year old company entered their first cheese competition recently and won first place for their asiago at the British Empire Cheese Competition in Belleville. 

General Manager Stefan Cartmale says the Class 1: Hard Cheese winning entry was a new recipe they have been trying out. 

"This particular one is about ten months old. We made asiago here before but none of us were really pleased with the flavour of it so our young cheese maker Spencer decided that he could do something with this. He did some research and he tried some cultures and he came up with the recipe and it turns out everywhere we went, people enjoyed it."

Cartmale says their feta also took home third place. "We do a very good job of hand crafting the feta. It's done in very small batches. It's one that our cheese makers are very proud of and we thought, let's see how it stands up. It had very, very stiff competition. The fetas that won in the category were from very, very large international cheese companies so we were very, very pleased that ours was right up there in the ranking."

Cartmale says they had never entered a cheese competition before and had no idea how they would fare in the adjudication. "What we were working for was kind of a baseline for us to work off of so we could say 'okay, what do the experts think of our cheese?' We get told quite often that it's great cheese and we think it's great cheese but we really wanted to get a baseline for us to be able to look at and say 'okay, this is what we can do better'.

Both cheeses are sold at the Factory Store in Bright.

Cartmale says the competition has sparked the competitive nature in them and has the company wondering what they can do next.

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