With one councillor not running for re-election and another running for Mayor; Woodstock City Council is entering a lame duck period.
WOODSTOCK - Woodstock City Council is about to go into a lame duck period.
Councillor Todd Poetter will not be seeking re-election and Councillor Shawn Shapton has entered the mayoral race.
City Clerk Amy Humpheries says this means the outgoing council will have limited decision making abilities for their final weeks.
"We know with certainty that we're going to have two members of our council not returning. We now can say that we will have less than 75 percent of the members of our outgoing council coming back so that puts us into the Restricted Acts Under the Municipal Act."
The current council will not be able to approve the disposition or sale of municipal property valued more than $50,000 that isn't already included in the budget.
Humpheries says council will also have limited expenditures over the next couple of months.
"You can't spend money that exceeds $50,000 in general that wasn't budgeted for. None of these things include emergencies though so if there ever was an emergency here in Wooodstock where we have to declare a state of emergency, that $50,000 limit wouldn't count."
In addition to all of this the outgoing council will not be able to appoint or fire an officer of the municipality.
Woodstock City Council also went into a lame duck period during the 2014 election.
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