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Click for Babies Campaign

The Perth District Health Unit is handing out purple hats to help parents better understand their baby's crying.

Every baby born in Perth County this month will get a locally made, hand knit purple hat. 

This is all part of the "Click for Babies" campaign to raise awareness about Shaken Baby Syndrome. It is named after the sound of two knitting needles clicking and Communications Manager with the Health Unit Rebecca Hill explains why they chose the colour purple. 

"The purple hats are to draw attention to what we call the period of purple crying and this is to raise awareness about normal infant crying after you have a new baby and also raise awareness about the dangers of shaking a baby. This is telling parents what normal infant crying is, what to expect, and also how to cope, giving them tips on what they can do if they are feeling stressed in a situation." 

Public Health nurse Glenda Blair says they also used the colour purple because it is an acronym. 

"The acronym PURPLE is used to describe an infant’s crying behaviour to let parents know that this crying is normal and, although frustrating, will pass. The goal is to explain what is normal and help parents and caregivers find ways to cope so that they never react by shaking or harming a baby."

The letters in the PURPLE acronym stand for:

* Peak of crying: The baby may cry more each week, peaking at two months, and then less at three to five months.

* Unexpected: The crying can come and go, with no explanation.

* Resists soothing: The baby might not stop crying no matter what you try.

* Pain-like face: It may look like the baby is in pain, even when they are not.

* Long lasting: Crying can last as much as 5 hours a day, or more.

* Evening: The baby might cry more in the late afternoon or evening.

The acronym is used to describe an infant's crying behaviour to let parents know that this crying is normal and it will pass. 

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