A landlord from Woodstock had to pay over $6,000 in fines for fire code violations.
WOODSTOCK - A landlord in Woodstock is facing over $6,000 in fines after a fire on 520 Ingersoll Avenue.
Firefighters responded to the blaze in the basement of the residential row house back on August 14th. After investigating they determined the homeowner did not have a smoke alarm on the first floor of the building. They also didn't ensure the rest of the smoke alarms in the house were in good working order. Another fine was handed out for not having a carbon monoxide detector adjacent to each sleeping area on the second floor.
The homeowner plead guilty to all 5 offences and was given a fine of $6,250 which included court costs and the victim fine surcharge.
Fire Prevention Officer Lukasz Kasprzyk says the Woodstock Fire Department strongly enforces the Ontario Fire Code and has adopted a zero tolerance approach to violations related to inoperative and/or missing smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.
"We will do an inspection after a fire has occurred, once we determine that there is code violations and offences, we do immediately go to charges and that is our zero tolerance policy."
Kaspryzk says they want everyone in Woodstock to make sure they have working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
"The message that we want to carry through to everybody, especially landlords of single family homes and townhouses to check and make sure that smoke alarms are not expired and that they are installed and maintained and you should have a record of this. You can call us at the Fire Department if you require a template for smoke alarm tests, we can help with that no problem and obviously help with any kind of inspection activities and education activities that we can relate to you."
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