The saga over development charges for Oxford Gardens continues. County Council deferred hosting an appeal hearing last night. The developer of the 84-unit expansion of the retirement home, Bill Van Haeren is seeking to reclaim $237,000 from the County for charges he feels they shouldn't have had to pay. Van Haeren purchased Oxford Gardens from the County, but allowed them to keep operating it as Woodingford Lodge while the new one was being built. Just after the acquisition, the definition of the facility was changed from institutional to residential, and development charges were then in effect. Last week, Woodstock City Council held the appeal hearing and denied Van Haeren a refund. He said that night they would take the decision to the OMB. County Council will likely have their appeal hearing on February 13th. (In Photo: June, 2012, Van Haeren and Oxford Gardens officials break ground on the 84-unit expansion along side Woodstock Mayor Pat Sobeski and Oxford Warden Don McKay.)