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Employees in Thamesford Still Reeling

President of the LiUNA Local 3000 Ann Walker says they will work hard to help the employees find new jobs.

THAMESFORD - Employees at the Thamesford Maple Leafs Turkey processing plant are in still in shock after hearing their plant will close down in 2018. 

Some 400 employees will be without a job and the LiUNA Local 3000 union reperesents about 350 of those employees. They issued a release saying the will safe guard employees and make sure they have the support they need to get through these difficult times. Ken Sharpe tells Heart FM the employees are still shocked by the news. 

"Doing what they can to process it, we're all the aware the building is old, the company has put a lot of money into recently and we were hoping we would be able to continue here at the Thamesford facility. It caught us all off guard, the union was made aware at 12:15 on Tuesday and the employees were made aware an hour after that, as you can imagine everyone is distraught and quite upset about it." 

He adds the local 3000 has committed every available resource to trying to save the jobs of its affected members and ensuring they're treated fairly by the company. President of the LiUNA Local 3000 Ann Walker says they will work hard to help the employees find new jobs. 

"We are saddened by the announcement of the closure of the Thamesford facility. The impact of this closure will be felt deeply by many families in the community. In the event the plant does close as scheduled in 2018, LiUNA Local 3000 will do everything in its power to ensure its members get fair severance packages, as well as education and retraining. We will also be encouraging other food processing operators to take advantage of the outstanding skills and work ethic of our members who are being displaced by the plant closure." 

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