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Fundraise The Roof Campaign Comes To a Happy End

The new roof at the Ingersoll Theatre of Performing Arts. (submitted)

The Ingersoll Theatre's two year Fundraise The Roof campaign raised $28,000, affording the new metal roof to replace the previous 25 year old tar and gravel roof.

INGERSOLL - The Ingersoll Theatre's roof has been officially repaired.

The 28-thousand dollar renovation was made possible thanks to a two year campaign called  Fundraise The Roof. The new metal roof went in place of their previous one made up of tar and gravel, which was over 25 years-old.

Facility manager, Maurice Bain, has been keeping an eye on the roof over the last couple of

“Our HVAC service contractor was checking the rooftop unit, and noticed a few blisters in the roof. We had a company come out and repair them, and check again the next spring. There were even more blisters then, and that’s when we knew it was time to
stop fixing the old roof, and get a new one done.” 

The blistering was caused by moisture getting under the surface and expanding with changing weather. It also has some insulation, which should help reduce their heating and cooling costs.

ITOPA’s board of directors began a fundraising campaign a couple of years ago, first by putting all of the proceeds from their concession sales and 50/50 draws into a dedicated fund, and adding $300/month from production revenues. A series of fundraising events was planned, starting with last July’s “FUNdRAISE the ROOF!” Improv show. That was followed in September
by a concert featuring Poor Angus, then October’s “Up On The Roof” Variety show. Christmas season added “Handbell Spectacular” to the series, and May featured “Sweet Sounds of Soul”, starring Denise Pelley and Marque Smith. The series was rounded out by Hannah Kast’s Art Show, and a second Improv show, “I Wanna Laugh!”

Last summer, quotes were obtained for the roof, and the board decided to go with a metal roof, costing in the neighbourhood of $28,000. ITOPA applied for some grants, and received a generous donation from the Ingersoll Foundation. With the aid of well over a hundred donations from their patrons as well, the organization has successfully raised the required funds, and the roof has been installed this past week.

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