The Green Party candidate for this year's provincial election comes from the Guelph area.
OXFORD COUNTY - The Green Party has brought in a man from the Guelph area to be their candidate for Oxford County.
Al de Jong brings with him experience in farming which he believes will help him support the county.
He talks about how his party stands on most topics.
"We're not really a left or right wing party. Environmentally of course we have our principles, you know we support fighting climate change."
de Jong however did admit that when it comes to social topics, they lean a bit left.
"Socially, we're more left like the Liberals or the NDP in terms of that we think the time has come for a guaranteed income for people and we support enriching and expanding the program that the Liberals have sort of in a prototype mode."
He states that he was assigned the Oxford County area and has no ties to the area. He has never been a candidate before, but has experience working with the Green Party.
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