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Jeff Cain

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Latest Update of Tillsonburg's IT Transition Costs

After waiting two hours, the public could hear the latest update on Tillsonburg?s IT Transition costs. A costly transition has been underway since the town cancelled their contract with INS Consulting in October 2012. President of INS Consulting Robert Musty thought the whole meeting should have been in open session. ?They go into open session at 4pm and then immediately go into closed and have discussions with KPMG present, presumably about the audit that KPMG did. So where?s the transparency and the openness for that? All of that should have been in open session so the public could know,? said Musty. KPMG is the organization overseeing the transition process. They presented Tillsonburg Council with an update showing the risks and issues they found within the IT department. Robert Castonguay with KPMG says the security measures taken back in October were appropriate. ?The process followed the right due diligence and appropriate under the circumstances during that transitioning period under time constraints and various other constraints relating to the information system,? said Castonguay during his update to Tillsonburg Council. The town?s already paying them a quarter of the $160,000 price tag that?s totalled up to December. Tillsonburg Mayor John Lessif calls the costs of this transition a ?necessary evil.? ?I often say that if it was a bridge fallen down or a road caving in we?d be spending a lot of time dealing with that and this is certainly on the same magnitude, it?s infrastructure,? said Lessif. ?The next step for us is to ask the County to come in and give us the same type of report as to their activity and what they?ve found and what they recommend. And then after that, I would expect that the staff would come back to us with an action plan as to how we get these things remedied,? said Lessif. But the transition will still cost the town more. A reserve has been taken from the 2013 budget for any final costs.

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