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Jeff Cain

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  • 519-537-1047

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Local Band To Celebrate 25th Anniversary

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Local hard rock band Shattered will be playing a show early next year to celebrate their 25th anniversary.

WOODSTOCK - A local hard rock band in Woodstock will be celebrating their 25th anniversary.

In January of next year, Shattered will celebrate the time they have spent together by putting on a show. 

Drummer Pete Arena says they will be performing on January 25th.

"We're going to be at Nutty's Bar and Billiards on the 25th for our 25th. We'll probably be hitting the stage at 10:00, 10:30 pm. We hope to see a lot of people out there, we'll have new merchandise like 25th anniversary t-shirts and stuff like that."

The band has played an active part in the community by hosting fundraiser shows, playing at BBQ's, spending most holidays together on stage and trying to better the community through music.

All the members are very happy they’ve made it this far and they hope to be together for many more years to come and continue to try to help and better the community. 

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