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Martinrea Moving to Ingersoll

Auto Parts maker Martinrea is moving to Ingersoll at the end of the year and bringing with them about 100 jobs.

INGERSOLL - Another major auto parts plant is moving to Ingersoll.

Martinrea will make the move down the 401 from London to Ingersoll at the end of the year. They are making the move to accommodate the Cami assembly plant so the parts maker can be closer to the General Motors owned factory. Ingersoll Mayor Ted Comiskey says they are welcoming Martinrea with open arms.

"We are very sorry about London's loss of potential jobs, but we do know that they will be able to come into Ingersoll and be part of our great industrial community, I think it is going to be a phenomenal asset for Ingersoll down the road. They will be bringing 100 jobs to the Town and who knows what the future will hold for a company of that calibre."

Martinea makes auto parts for the Cami assembly plant and the move to Ingersoll will help reduce overall costs.

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