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Jeff Cain

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Norwich Otterville Lions Club Disbanded

The Norwich Otterville Lions Club disbanded on June 30th due to a lack of new members.

NORWICH TOWNSHIP - After serving Norwich Township for almost 80 years, the Lions Club of Norwich and Otterville has disbanded.

During their years of service the club would raise money for the township and also donated funds to the Woodstock Hospital and Sakura House.

Past President Edna Carroll says dissolving the club was a tough decision to make.

"We mulled it over probably for two or three years and tried to get new members but just couldn't get any new members. With our members the majority of them are retired and so they go south in the winter and it didn't leave many left to run the club."

Carroll adds a majority of the members will be transferring to other clubs.

"Most of our members are transferring to other Lions Clubs in the area so most of the members are still going to service Lions International just not Norwich community which is kind of a shame but still good that we are going to be Lions members."

The club officially disbanded on June 30th and all of their funds have been allocated.

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