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OPP Offer Safe Cycling Tips

Oxford OPP have some safe cycling tips for those riding their bikes this spring and summer.

Now that spring is finally here, people are starting to get out their bikes and hit the road. Constable Stacey Culbert says they have seen a rise in the number of cyclists recently.

"Throughout the county of Oxford we have a lot of different cycling areas designated within our townships and within the towns so we're seeing a lot more people out there enjoying it as soon as the nice weather hit us."

Officers advise cyclists to check the brakes on their bikes before hitting the road. Bikes must also have reflectors on the front and back. It's also a good idea for cyclists to wear reflective clothing if they are riding at night. 

Culbert adds cyclists of all ages should wear a helmet.

"You're so much more safe if you have a helmet on. If you are caught without a helmet under the age of 18 you can be charged. If you are over the age of 16, between 16 and 18, you'll be receiving a ticket."

Cyclists are not the only ones who should be cautious out there. Culbert says drivers should give cyclists as much room as they safely can.

"As you can imagine having a vehicle that's driving by you, whether it's at a low speed or a high speed, can be very scary for a cyclist to have a car that comes way too close to comfort for them when they are travelling on the roadways as well."

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