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Opposition NDP Critic Slams the Federal Budget

Opposition NDP critic slams the Federal Budget saying it will only benefit the wealthy.

The Harper Government was able to produce a balanced budget just six months ahead of the upcoming Federal election.
While our local MP Dave McKenzie says the budget is great news for all Canadians the Opposition NDP have a different take.
Finance Critic Nathan Cullen tells Heart FM the people who will benefit the most from this document are the wealthy.
He adds the government cut a lot of programs, sold our GM shares and stole from the E.I accounts to get a balanced budget.
Cullen also wonders why they would dip into the rainy day fund, noting we could be in trouble if another natural disaster occurred like the Calgary Floods from two years ago.
He adds things like income splitting only benefits about 15 percent of families in Canada and those families tend to be wealthy.
Cullen did say the budget wasn't all bad and he admitted their was some positives.
He says we have lost 400,000 manufacturing jobs in Canada over the past seven years and was happy to see some movement in the manufacturing sector.
Local MP Dave McKenzie disagrees saying "we are proud of our plan that is lowering taxes and providing benefits directly to families in Oxford for them to reinvest in the Canadian economy."
He points to things like the increase in the tax free savings accounts, benefits for seniors and cutting taxes for small businesses all while producing a $1.4 Billion dollar surplus. 

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