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Oxford County Postpones Wednesday Meeting

County council is going to postpone all agenda items scheduled for Wednesday. They will meet by teleconference to vote on two specific items.

OXFORD COUNTY - Oxford County is going to postpone all agenda items for the upcoming council meeting on Wednesday to a future meeting.

They did make two exceptions for two items. 

The first item will ask council to cancel all of the meetings scheduled for the last Wednesday of the month for April, May, July and August. 

The other motion is regarding the Municipal act changes, which if approved will allow council to conduct meetings electronically.

County Council will hold a special meeting of Council by teleconference on Wednesday to vote on those two items. 

Below is the full release from Oxford County: 

Oxford County is going to postpone all agenda items for the upcoming council meeting on Wednesday to a future meeting.

They did make two exceptions for items 11.1 and 11.3: 

Oxford County Warden Larry Martin has made the decision to postpone all agenda items for the upcoming Council meeting on Wednesday, March 25, to a future meeting, with the exception of items 11.1 and 11.3:

11.1 Regular Council Meetings

As part of our ongoing efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19, and in keeping with the Province of Ontario's declaration of a State of Emergency, be it resolved that Section 3.3.2 of the County of Oxford Procedure By-law No. 6023-2018 be amended to read as follows:

3.3.2 ..... the Council shall not meet in regular session on the fourth Wednesday for each of the months of July, August and December, nor during the months of April and May of the year 2020, unless otherwise provided for by resolution of Council.

11.3 Motion by Councillor Ryan regarding Municipal Act changes

Resolved that, in consideration of Municipal Act changes providing Municipal Councils the opportunity to conduct meetings whereby quorum can be achieved through electronic participation during times of Provincial or Municipal Emergencies, staff report at the next Council meeting on the necessary Procedural By-law amendments to allow Oxford County Council to utilize this update to the Municipal Act.

County Council will instead hold a special meeting of Council by teleconference on Wednesday, March 25 at 4:00 p.m. to allow for the amendment of the Procedure By-law for these two items. Agenda items scheduled for Wednesday will be postponed to a future meeting.

For Council agendas, minutes and updates visit www.oxfordcounty.ca/council.   

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