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Pets Being Left in Hot Vehicles

Oxford OPP have received several calls over the last week from concerned citizens about pets being left in hot vehicles. 

OXFORD COUNTY - Oxford OPP have received several calls over the last week from concerned citizens about pets being left in hot vehicles. 

On a day where the temperature is 26 degrees Celsius, the temperature inside a vehicle parked in the shade reaches 32 degrees Celsius. If you leave your motor vehicle in the sun the temperature can reach 71 degrees Celsius. This is extremely hot and can have devastating effects on your pet.

Dogs and cats pant to cool themselves, but this is ineffective when they are surrounded by heat. On summer days the air and upholstery in your vehicle can heat up to high temperatures that make it impossible for pets to cool themselves. Your pet will be more comfortable if left at home.

A domesticated pet is dependent on the owner for proper care such as food, shelter and water. The Criminal Code of Canada has specific sections that deal with the mistreatment of animals:

- Cause unnecessary suffering - maximum sentence of 5 years in jail
- Injure or endanger an animal - maximum sentence of 5 years in jail
- Neglect an animal - maximum sentence of 2 year in jail

"The OPP want to stress the importance of leaving your animals at home in comfortable conditions and not in a hot motor vehicle. If it's too hot for you, then it's too hot for your pet." - Inspector Tony Hymers, Detachment Commander, Oxford County OPP.

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