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RIDE Kick-Off

Zero tolerance is the stance City Police will be taking this Festive RIDE season.

WOODSTOCK - The Festive RIDE season has officially kicked off in Woodstock.

Police Chief Bill Renton says the message is simple... "we will not tolerate drinking and driving. I know that particularity during the festive season we have to reinforce that message -- unfortunately -- sometimes it just appears people don't get the message but we will have a zero tolerance and be out here in force quite frequently throughout the holiday season."

"The easiest way to stay safe is not to drink and drive," says Renton. "Wear your seatbelt, be responsible, be respectful of other people on the highways. If you are drinking and celebrating the season, there's lot of alternatives on how to get home. Call a cab, call a friend, walk. There's lots of other means."

Renton says officers are well aware some people like to give out their location via social media. "It does certainly make it difficult for us in some of our enforcement initiatives but we will just persevere. We will set up RIDE programs at different locations throughout the night so we could be there one minute and be at a different spot the next minute and sometimes depending on resources, we may have multiple locations. Fair warning we will be out there enforcing the law and protecting our fair citizens."

Renton says not only are they looking for impairment by alcohol but drugs as well.

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