On Air Now

Jeff Cain

8:00am - 1:00pm

  • 519-537-1047

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Stop and Look

Three crashes in Perth County last week shared a lot in common.

Perth County OPP are reminding everyone to stop and look after investigating three crashes in a five day period.

All three crashes had a lot in common. They all happened at busy intersections controlled by a stop sign during daylight hours. In every single one minor injuries were sustained and they all happened during ideal driving conditions. Police say all three crashes had the potential to be fatal and in each case the driver at fault was charged with fail to yield.

The crashes all happened in the South Side of Perth County.

The OPP urges motorists to pay attention to, and obey stop signs at stop sign controlled intersections. Remember intersections are locations where large numbers of serious and fatal collisions occur. Remember to STOP AND LOOK!

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