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John Tesh

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Volunteers Needed at Woodstock Hospital

The Woodstock Hospital is on the lookout for more adult volunteers.

WOODSTOCK - The Woodstock Hospital is in need of some extra hands.

They're looking to fill food prep and office positions for weekdays and weekends.

Volunteer Coordinator Deanna Howell says they also need some extra help on Sunday mornings.

"We just need some extra hands to get patients who want to go to chapel on Sunday mornings and are missing going to church get to and from their room."

You can find all of the volunteer postings online here.

Howell says there are a couple of things you will have to do before you're put to work.

"Everyone has to go through a health screening which involves checking your immunizations making sure they're up to date and a two step TB skin test."

You also have to submit an application with two references. You can find more information online here or by calling 519-421-4233 with extension 3650.

The hospital does offer a youth volunteer program for teens over the age of 15, but they are not accepting applicants at this time.

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