A mosquito trap in Drumbo has tested positive for West Nile virus.
DRUMBO - Another mosquito trap has tested positive for West Nile in Oxford County.
Southwestern Public Health says this trap in located in Drumbo. This comes after a Woodstock based trap tested positive a week ago.
Peter Haywood, Program Director with Southwestern Public Health, says this isn't too much of a shock.
"Typically when we have a positive pool it's not common to have another positive pool in the following weeks. During late July and into August is typically when you see positive pools for West Nile virus."
Haywood adds the hot and humid weather may have something to do with it.
"We tend to see positive pools during the warmer weather and certainly the summer of 2018 has been very warm and that allows the virus to amplify rather quickly. Something comparable is 2012 when we had six positive pools."
Mild West Nile symptoms include fever, headaches and muscle fatigue. Severe symptoms include encephalitis; which is the swelling of the brain.
Make sure you wear long sleeved clothing and bug spray with DEET and be extra cautious around dusk and dawn.
It's also a good idea to drain standing water which may include bird baths, wading pools and children's toys. This will help eliminate mosquito breeding areas around your home.
UPDATE (August 7th @ 3:20 p.m.) - The Perth District Health Unit is also reporting a positive mosquito pool in the southeastern part of Mitchell.
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