Donations are still needed for Operation Sharing's annual Coats for Kids and adults winter clothing drive. The clothes will be distributed to those in need at College Ave Church on Friday and Saturday of next week.
WOODSTOCK - Winter has arrived and donations are still needed for Operation Sharing's annual Coats for Kids campaign.
Organizer Marilyn Schmiedl says they are collecting donations for all winter clothing from infants to adults.
"We are collecting winter clothing for everyone, from babies to adults, we always have a need for winter boots and snow pants, however we will gladly accept all donations of coats, hats, mittens and scarves."
You can donate the items at College Avenue Church on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays between 9-5. They also have several donation bins set up around town at local businesses and churches.
The clothes will be distributed to those in need at College Ave Church on Friday and Saturday of next week.
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