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Jeff Cain

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Woodstock Police Services Elects Chair

Mary Ann Silverthorn (Courtesy of The Canadian Association of Police Governance)

A familiar face will head up the Woodstock Police Services Board in 2018.

WOODSTOCK - The Woodstock Police Service Board has elected a new chair for the new year. 

Mary Ann Silverthorn was elected to the position by her peers at the Woodstock Police Services Board meeting on Monday. She will take over for Sandra Carnegie. 

This is Silverthorn's second time as the Police Services Board Chair and she is honoured to fill the position in 2018. 

"It's very rewarding to be asked to do this on behalf of the board, this is not my first go around, I have been on the board for a number of years and their are only 5 of us and we sort of rotate the position of chair, having said that, not everyone wants the position, so three years ago I was chair before this." 

Silverthorn says 2018 promises to be a busy year for the Woodstock Police Services Board. 

"We are starting contract negotiations with our employee group, we are responsible for preparing and presenting a budget to council and then the Police Services Act, which is the document that governs us has been opened and under revision. This is a provincial act and it is has passed first and second reading, meaning that we are waiting to see what the fallout will be, because their are several proposed changes coming down the pipe." 

Also on the board for 2018 is Woodstock Mayor Trevor Birch, Vice Chair Nancy O'Grady, Sandra Carnegie and city councillor Shawn Shapton. 

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