"What we try to teach them is respect for themselves, respect for others and respect for the community," said Brian Kaufman, Branch President of the Woodstock Sea Cadets. There's been a renewed interest in both the Sea Cadets and Navy League programs for kids and youth in Woodstock. Numbers in the groups were dwindling 5-years-ago, but at the end of 2012 there were upwards of 50 kids turning out to the programs. Kaufman says the programs are free, which are appealing for some families. "If you can't put your child into hockey, can't put your child into baseball then this is another opportunity for them to get a night out once a week to be with their friends, to enjoy some physical activity and to learn something," said Kaufman. The programs include sailing, marching, band and others. They run out of the Sea Cadets building in Southside park 6-7 nights a week. The programs also got a boost this week, with the announcement of $25,000 in federal funds to update their washrooms at the Sea Cadets building in Southside Park.