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Coffee Break Hosts Needed

If you're planning on having a few friends over, you should consider turning the get together into a Coffee Break for the Alzheimer Society of Oxford.

OXFORD COUNTY - It's Coffee Break season in Oxford County.

Shelley Green, the Executive Director of the Alzheimer Society of Oxford, says they're always looking for hosts.

"What Coffee Break is, is an opportunity for people who want to help the Alzheimer Society in providing services here in Oxford County, to give their guests the opportunity to make a donation."

Green says the occasion can be anything the host wants.

"People can do a Coffee Break in their office where people are already gathered and already have coffee. You can do it in your home with a morning coffee break with your neighbours and friends. You can do it after church, at a dinner party a games night, a theme party; you can do it as simply as you want to do it!"

They have host kits available; which include Tim Hortons coffee packets.

If a host raises a certain amount of money, they will receive "fun bucks" to spend at the Tim Hortons Shopping Fun Store in the Alzheimer Society's Woodstock office.

If you raise over $350 you will also be invited to the Alzheimer Cafe luncheon.

Anyone interested can contact Coffee Break Coordinator Kathy Hill for more information. Simply call the Alzheimer Society's Woodstock office at 519-421-2466.

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