The Canadian Harvard Aircraft Association will once again take part in the Toronto Remembrance Day Ceremonies.
The Canadian Harvard Aircraft Association will be flying out of Tillsonburg for the Remembrance Day Ceremonies in Toronto.
For years now the Harvards have taken part by flying over the cenotaphs at Old City Hall and East York as well as flying over Sunnybrook Hospital where many veterans are.
Public Relations Director for the Canadian Harvard Aircraft Association Terry Scott says this is a very emotional moment for the pilots and the veterans.
"When you hear a Harvard come over it has a distinctive sound to it; we call it the roar of the Harvard. And that just warms the hearts of veterans and services people and Canadians in general who remember hearing that sound."
The Harvards will be flying in a special formation known as The Missing Man. President of the Canadian Harvard Aircraft Association Patrick Hanna says this pays tribute to the fallen as one plane peels off from the rest of the formation.
"A term commonly used back then is that a pilot has gone west into the sunset. That's typically what we do - we do a pull up in formation. One guy will pull up with the smoke on and heads off into the west which is just symbolic of a pilot who has gone west."
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