On Air Now

Jeff Cain

8:00am - 1:00pm

  • 519-537-1047

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House Demolished After Engulfed in Flames

A large fire occurred in an Amish community south-west of Norwich yesterday evening. The fire was initially discovered by a neighbour of the property owner, Eric Van Boekel. Not having telephone service, the neighbour travelled on foot to a nearby residence to report the fire. Within ten minutes of the report, the fire department arrived on scene to find the basement of a two-storey home on Maple Dell Road fully engulfed in flames. No one was in the house at the time. Around forty-five firefighters and seven fire trucks from the Township of Norwich attended the scene. Due to the extent of the fire, the department conducted operations from outside of the burning structure and protected other buildings from exposure. Heavy equipment was used to demolish the dwelling in order to completely extinguish it. They will never find the cause of the fire due to the demolition. The cost of damages has yet to be determined.

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