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New Face at EZT

Will Jaques has been named the new Corporate Services Manager for East-Zorra Tavistock

EAST ZORRA TAVISTOCK - There is a new face in the township office in East Zorra Tavistock.

Will Jaques started Monday as the Corporate Service Manager after Brenda Junker retired last month.

"My background is small towns. I've worked in small towns, I've come from a small town and certainly the rural municipalities are something I enjoy working in. I enjoy working with the people in rural municipalities."

Jaques is a graduate of Western University with a Masters of Public Administration degree. "For the last ten years I have been involved in municipal government. I have worked as a Clerk Administer -- that was a little bit north of Huntsville and then for the last seven to seven and a half years I have worked as a CAO in the Municipality of West Perth in Perth County."

He says he has been taking it all in since starting Monday at 8:30am. "I'm sure we will have some ideas and thoughts as we go along but it's a great group here already. Certainly I want to make sure I follow along with part of the team for the first little while."

CAO Jeff Carswell is confident Jaques will bring many ideas to continue improving the programs and services the Township provides.

Jaques will be responsible for  the role of Municipal Clerk, council services, planning and development coordination, supervision of administrative staff and wide variety of other duties.

Jaques, along with his wife and two sons live in Woodstock.

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