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No Fireworks in Woodstock

The new fireworks bylaw is now in effect, so Woodstonians won't be able to host fireworks displays this Victoria Day long weekend.

WOODSTOCK - You won't be able to watch any fireworks in Woodstock this Victoria Day long weekend.

The city banned the sale and discharge of consumer fireworks as of January 1st this year. Lisa Woods, the Public Information Coordinator for the Woodstock Fire Department, City Council approved the ban last year after receiving several complaints following the holidays where fireworks were permitted.

"They were going off at all hours of the evening and all weekend instead of the designated days that the city had allowed them. They were just doing them the whole weekend with kids sleeping and the elderly sleeping."

Woods says the noise also caused issues for pet owners and there were also pollution concerns.

She explains what you should do if you catch someone violating the fireworks bylaw this weekend

"We would like you to call the non-emergency number for Woodstock Police at 519-537-2323 to report that you are hearing fireworks against the bylaw. We are going to have officers, bylaw, and fire department, out patrolling the areas of the city to make contact with those individuals and remind them of the bylaw and there are potential fines as well."

Those who are caught setting off fireworks could face a $400 fine. The fine for selling fireworks in Woodstock is $1,000.

For the people who live in a municipality that allows personal fireworks displays, Woods says you should use common sense.

"Make sure you're giving it a safe distance, you're placing them in sand and then place them in water after, pay attention to wind speed and air quality at the time, and make sure you keep children away."

There are a few exceptions to the fireworks bylaw in Woodstock. The City will still be to host its fireworks display on Canada Day. Community groups and organizations can also apply to host their own public display, but Woods says they must have a pyrotechnics licence from Natural Resources Canada, a million dollars in liability insurance, and approval from the Woodstock Fire Chief.

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