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Road Reminders as Students Head Back To School

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As the school year fast approaches, Woodstock Police are reminding families of safety tips. Tweens and teens walking to school should never walk while texting, talking on the phone or using headphones.

WOODSTOCK - Woodstock Police are sharing safety tips with families as their children prepare to go back to school.

They encourage pedestrians to walk on the sidewalk or facing traffic if there isn't one, and they also say to stop and look both ways to check for cars before crossing the street.

And for bicyclists and people on scooters, police ask that you wear a helmet that is fitted and secured using the 2v1 rule.

They also suggest parents teach their children the rules of the road, including riding in single file on the right side coming to a complete stop, before crossing the street and walking across the road.

Among other safety tips include:


· Practice walking to school with your children to teach them the safest route and encourage them to use the same route every day so you know where they are.

· Cross streets at crosswalks when available.

· Never walk while texting, talking on the phone or using headphones.

· Stay alert to what is going on around you and on the road.

Bike/Scooter Riders

· Watch for opening car doors and other hazards.

· Use hand signals when turning or stopping.

· Wear bright coloured clothes to be visible to other road users.

Bus Riders

· Teach children the proper way to get on and off the bus

· When getting off the bus remind children to look for moving vehicles before crossing the road.

· Walk around the front of the bus so the driver can see you.

· Sit in your seat and follow the bus driver’s rules.


· Share the road and be alert to your surroundings.

· Never pass a bus

· Follow the 40 km speed limit and do not stop in no stopping areas

· Do not block crosswalks

· Never enter crosswalks until the crossing guards have cleared the roadway

Police will be patrolling the school zones over the upcoming weeks to remind drivers to slow down and pay attention, ensuring a safe and injury-free school year for 2019-2020.

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