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Snowed In

Due to the low number of Woodstock City snow removal staff, clearing bus stops is often the last priority.

WOODSTOCK - Snow covered bus stops have given some residents in Woodstock a headache.

Often the bus stops are the last location to be cleared of snow.

City of Woodstock city engineer Harold de Haan said there are a number of reasons for this, "we do try to clear out the bus stops, we have a limited workforce and to be honest our priority is roads, we work on a hierarchy of what we hit first, the roads are first and after that we hit other areas also."

While this is good news for motorists, for bus riders this can prove problematic. Nancy Martelle said, "I fell four times last year and hurt my back because snow wasn't cleared from the bus stop." Another concerned resident Pam Livingston added often people have to, "climb on snowbanks, people with walkers and grocery carts are trying to get through all this snow..."

The sidewalks are city owned, however the amount of snow and limited workforce make it difficult to get to all areas quickly.

de Haan adds that there have been cases of the City of Woodstock being sued, "the sidewalks are owned by the city we try to work on a philosphy of good neighbour where we hope that the property owner behind the sidewalk will clean their sidewalk."

de Haan advises those taking the bus to be careful when navigating snow covered bus stops until city workers can clear it.

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