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State of the City Address at the Mayor's Breakfast

Woodstock Mayor Trevor Birtch delivered his state of the City address this morning at the Mayor's breakfast.

WOODSTOCK - After 150 days on the job the Mayor of Woodstock is starting to get settled into his new position.
Trevor Birtch delivered his state of the City address this morning at the Mayor's breakfast.
He talked about a number of things and started the morning off with a math equation... The City of Woodstock plus the County of Oxford plus the Chamber members equals success.
His message was a positive one and he talked about the need for spreading a positive message about the city as we continue to attract investment and development.
Mayor Birtch also talked about one of the first major accomplishments of the new council which was passing the city budget saying it was a testament to the hard work from staff and council that they were able to pass a budget with a small decrease on taxes for local home owners.
Birtch also talked about the need for spreading a positive message about the city as we continue to attract investment and development.
Another thing he talked about was the cities renewable energy plan and the potential sale of Woodstock Hydro to Hydro One.
The city is waiting to see if the sale will be approved by the Ontario Energy Board.

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