The Ontario Liberals have developed a steering committee to take a closer look at the wage gap between men and women.
ONTARIO - A steering committee has been developed by the Ontario Liberals to try and devise a strategy to deal with the wage gap between men and women.
The latest statistics show women on average make from 12% to 31.5% less than their male counterparts who are performing the same job.
Heart FM spoke with the Executive Director at the Woman's Employment Resource Centre in Woodstock, Maggie McDonald, who says she is happy to see something being done - however she has heard similar promises before.
McDonald says she is hopeful some positive changes will come from this and that this isn't just another empty promise from the government.
The steering committee will spend the rest of the year consulting with groups across the province to examine how the wage gender gap affects women in the workforce and how government, business, labour and other organizations can help address the systemic barriers that contribute to the problem.
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