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The Dark Side Of Sharing Online

stock photo (not actual victim)

A teenager from Norfolk County is the victim of extortion after sharing nude images online.

NORFOLK COUNTY - Police are reminding parents and caregivers to talk with their kids about the dangers of sharing information or photo's on the Internet. 

The warning comes after a 17 year old boy from Norfolk County was the victim of extortion. 

The teen had met a 19 year old woman online from Nashville Tennessee. After talking for a bit, the woman asked him to send her nude photo's through a video chat. 

She then demanded $5,500 or else she promised to share the photo's with his family and friends. The supposed female then sent a screenshot which contained a list of the victim's family and friends on his social media account along with a screenshot of his residence that was taken from a mapping application.

Constable Ed Sanchuk says this is a sad reminder of why it is so important to never share private images online. 

"Everyone needs to realize the long and short term dangers of sending out photographs of themselves. Those who distribute it also need to be aware of the criminal ramifications of doing so. Once it's out there, you can't get it back and you should not be embarrassed to speak to police about your concerns."

Teens need to realize the long and short term dangers of sending out photographs of themselves. Those who distribute it also need to be aware of the criminal ramifications of doing so.

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