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Woodstock Public Library Youth Activities

The library is holding many activities this summer for youth up the age of 16.

WOODSTOCK - The Woodstock Public Library is  hosting an array of activities for youth this summer.

There are programs available for everyone up to the age of 16. 

Manager of Public Services for the Woodstock Library,  Darlene Pretty talks about some of the activities they have planned for young children.

"We have our summer story times, which we will be starting at the beginning of July on Wednesday and Thursday mornings. We have a baby and toddler time program on Wednesdays throughout the summer. We have a tale and tunes program, for our preschoolers on Thursday morning at 10:30.

They are also introducing youth to some of their funky gadgets throughout the summer.

Younger children will be able to participate in Maker Monday's where they showcase their 3-D printer, green screen technology, and robotics. 

Pretty says the Maker program is similar to the toys that the youth get to play while in school.

"I think it's just an extension into the library of technology and engineering, and art as far as that goes. During the summer they don't have exposure to that in their schools. The library is a great destination for that."

Pretty says they have a highlight for the summer:

"It's our summer reading program. We are offering it again this year. Kids can sign for the summer reading club free charge, read books, and earn prizes all summer long."

They will also have weekly movie nights for children.

The first one they will be showing is Zootopia. 

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