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Jeff Cain

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  • 519-537-1047

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City Wants Public Input

The City of Woodstock is hosting a drop-in session for the public to provide feedback on the accessibility plan.

WOODSTOCK - The City of Woodstock is hosting a drop in session for people who want to talk about Accessibility. 

Acting Deputy Clerk Chris Gauthier says the purpose it to get public input for on their 2013-17 Accessibility Plan, "which is basically looking over our annual status report. The public will have the chance to come in and provide feedback on our annual report. It's also a chance for us to educate the public on what accessibility features and plans we have implemented in the past year."

"Depending on how much feedback we get, it will be brought forward to the Woodstock Accessibility Advisory Committee and it will be discussed further there and depending on the type of feedback, there's a possibility that it will get included into next year's plan or we will try to address whatever issues are brought forward."

"It's basically a drop in program," says Gauthier. "You can come any time from 2-4. People will be able to provide feedback in terms of accessibility of Transit and we will have a Transit representative there too."

The Public Information Centre is scheduled for December 17 from 2-4pm at City Hall. 

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