Use the hashtag #GetLoudOxford to show your support and help end the stigma surrounding mental health troubles.
With Mental Health Awareness Week fast approaching the public is asked to use a special hashtag on social media. #GetLoudOxford was created in order to end the stigma on mental health in the area. It will also help inform the public about mental health resources and special awareness events happening in Oxford.
Woodstock Mayor Trevor Birtch says the hashtag will help spread the word to some of the younger citizens in the county.
"We have a lot of people who are trying to make sure this message gets to definitely the younger people in Woodstock. Most young people have a cellphone, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook so they understand hashtag lingo."
There will also be a public mental health discussion at Goff Hall that will coincide with Mental Health Week Birtch says.
"Tuesday May 3rd at 7pm at Goff Hall and there's going to be great public discussion. It will be facilitated and all the different agencies will be present." Birtch says they will be trying to deal with many of the community's concerns.
Mental Health Week will be running from May 2nd to the 8th this year.
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