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Hardeman Wants to Pull Plug on Glitchy Drive Clean Program

Oxford's MPP is calling for the provincial government to scrap the Drive Clean program. This, after the latest issue with a new emissions test that is conducted through the car's computer system. Computer glitches have cause the failure rate in light-duty vehicles with the on-board diagnostics to jump from 5% to 10.5%. As Ernie Hardeman explains, there usually isn't anything wrong with the vehicle. "Anytime your battery is unhooked or electricity stops the computer, it can disengage and then when it starts up again, that part of the computer they need for the test doesn't start up again, and the car gets a failing grade." In some cases, drivers have spent hundreds of dollars for diagnostic tests, and additional e-tests to get their car to pass. The other solution is to drive the vehicle around for a a few days, or drive it on the highway and hope that part of the computer re-engages. Hardeman says he's heard several complaints about the new testing at his office. He also points out the Liberals were warned by the Auditor General last year about problems with the new test, but they implemented it anyway. He says the benefits of scraping Drive Clean would outweigh the benefits to air quality. "We would all benefit from it being taken right out. There seems to be very little positive coming out of the program. Less than 5% fail the test, and most of them can come back and get it passed with small changes."

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