Woodstock City Council will discuss voting methods for the 2026 municipal election, and it's receiving legal advice about a vote that took place in the past.
WOODSTOCK - We're officially in the tail end of the current municipal council term.
During this Thursday's meeting, Woodstock City Council will look at the different voting methods for the election coming up next year. The city could use the traditional paper ballots, switch to online voting, or offer a mix of the two with the hybrid method.
Mayor Jerry Acchione tells us what his method of choice is.
"Personally, it's no secret because I have made the motion myself as a City Councillor, I think online voting adds a certain convenience and would encourage more people to vote."
With that behind said, Mayor Jerry Acchione says the city could still offer voting stations for people who don't have reliable internet or technology.
Council will be looking over a report from staff, which details all of the pros and cons behind the online and hybrid voting models. It also details the costs associated with each voting method and you can read that full report online here.
In other news, Woodstock City Council has been also dealing with the ramifications of a vote that was made at a previous council meeting.
Councillor Kate Leatherbarrow removed herself from a vote to eliminate the Downtown Streetscape Master Plan last month because she owns a business in the downtown core. The motion failed with a 3-3 vote and now people are wondering why Councillor Leatherbarrow didn't remove herself from another vote involving the Downtown Streetscape Plan.
The city has had three integrity commissioners since the council term began in 2022. In a video posted on her Facebook page on December 17th, Councillor Leatherbarrow talked about discussions she has had with those commissioners about downtown-related matters over the past few years. She also noted several times that she has no malicious intent and you can watch the full video online here.
Mayor Acchione explains how the city is handling this.
"I asked for city staff to get a legal opinion to make sure everyone is okay, I don't want anyone to get in trouble. We're waiting on that legal opinion right now and it will be discussed with council. If anything comes out of that, it will go to a public meeting to be debated."
In the meantime, the Downtown Streetscape Plan is still moving forward as planned.
Thursday's City Council meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. and it will be livestreamed on the City of Woodstock YouTube page. You can also find the meeting agenda online here.
During his interview with Dan and Marcie this morning, Mayor Acchione also discussed the following:
- His quiet holiday break with his family.
- What's going on with the pond across the street from the Woodstock Navy Club.
- Organic waste collection starting in Woodstock next year.
- City Council selecting its Acting Mayor for 2025 this week. He also thanked Councillor Leatherbarrow for serving as the Acting Mayor for 2024.
- His thoughts on the Daily Debate. Do you know how to skate? If so, how would you rank your skating ability from 1 to 10.
You can listen to the full interview below:
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