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World's Best Weekend

Midnight - 9:00am

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Keep It a Safe and Sober Saint Patty's

You'll need to harness more than just the luck o' the Irish if you choose to drink and drive

Plenty of people will be celebrating St. Patrick's Day today with green beer, Irish Food, and friends. 

Well all this is fine and dandy, the OPP want to make sure everyone stays safe and nobody is drinking and driving. Constable Stacey Culbert tells Heart FM they will have extra officers on hand for Saint Patrick's Day. 

"We want people to celebrate responsibly, that means planning a ride home. You certainly don't want to end your night spending it in jail or worse in the hospital or dead because you have chosen to make a poor decision and get behind the wheel of a vehicle while you have been intoxicated." 

Culbert says they will have roaming R.I.D.E programs this weekend and officers will also be targeting distracted drivers. 

OPP are asking people to consider the following:

- Make sure all of your guests designate their sober drivers in advance, or help arrange ride-sharing with sober drivers.
- Pour properly measured drinks, don't free pour or serve doubles.
- Serve drinks rather than having a self-serve bar.
- Don't serve alcohol to an already intoxicated person.
- Offer non - alcoholic and or low alcohol beverages.
- Avoid drinking games/competitions, which makes alcohol the focus of the party
- Monitor how much your guests are drinking.
- Provide food and snacks.
- Keep the phone numbers of local cab companies on hand and take the keys away from anyone who is thinking of driving impaired.
- Arrange that everyone at your party have a safe ride home or have them stay over.

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