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Legal Cannabis Shops Coming to Ingersoll

The Town of Ingersoll will now be allowed to open cannabis shops. Council voted in favour of the decision at their latest meeting.

INGERSOLL - Legal cannabis shops will be allowed in Ingersoll.

Town Council decided at their latest meeting this past Monday (April 8th). Mayor, Brian Petrie says a delegation came forward at a previous meeting in favour of bringing the shops to town. He adds it wasn't an issue that was taken lightly.

"There was debate. It was certainly not a unanimous vote, but there was respectful debate around the reasons for and against."

Petrie adds that the two previous councils looked at the issue and thought too many questions were involved, making them defer a decision. Petrie talks about why the decision was made now.

"What we've since then is that the legislation has not changed. So, there has been some stability and the council felt this was the right time to move forward with that and opt in."

The final vote was 4-2 in favour of supporting legal cannabis shops.

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