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Lines Painted Wrong at the Norwich Ave and Juliana Drive Intersection

If you are in the left turn lane closest to the Burger King plaza and follow the white dotted lines painted in the intersection, it will lead you into oncoming traffic on Norwich Ave.

WOODSTOCK - The contractor responsible for painting the lines at Norwich Ave and Juliana Drive made a mistake and the lines will be re-painted on Friday.

The intersection now has two left turn lanes if you are on Juliana and trying to head south on Highway 59 towards the 401. The problem is if you are in the left turn lane closest to the Burger King plaza and follow the white dotted lines painted in the intersection, it will lead you into oncoming traffic on Norwich Ave. If you are in the left turn lane closest to the Kelsey's plaza and follow the white dotted lines in the intersection, it will take you south on Highway 59, but you will be in the lane closest to oncoming traffic instead of the lane off to the far right.

This was a County project. We reached out to Oxford County and they are aware of the problem. The contractor is returning Friday to repaint the lines and remove a barrier that has been put up temporarily to close the lane.

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