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Jeff Cain

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MADD Thanks Community

Over $5000 was raised through MADD's one day event. Proceeds will go to preventing impaired driving.

WOODSTOCK - MADD Oxford is sending out their thanks to the community for supporting their efforts in stopping impaired drivers and supporting the victims.

Volunteer Mary Rodrigues says their voluntary toll last month was a huge success.  "We raised $5892.21.  The community was just so giving and it was so amazing for all our volunteers.  They felt really good about getting out there in the cold weather."

Funds were collected at the Woodstock Smart Centre during the one-day event, which according to Rodrigues, are important for them to do the work they do; "educational tools and providing support to victims.  So one of the things that we like to offer is going into the schools and helping them with their Safe Grads which are coming up in the spring, proms that are coming up in the spring, providing victim speakers to come in and talk to the students and any educational material that they need."

During the holiday season, MADD Oxford County is urging residents to plan ahead and have a safe ride home during their celebrations.  "We just want to continue to make sure that they do drive safe.  It's supposed to be a time of celebrating, a time of giving - we just want to help make sure that we're out there celebrating but we're still out there making smart decisions and making sure that everyone's getting home safe for the holidays."

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